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Prop making is a growing industry and a beneficial aspect to the stage sets to help set the look the way the producers and directors are looking for, sometimes it may be a simple touch or can be a larger prop. To add props to the scene being captured or just being able to see your work added on to the big screen movies is a simple part to me, but a big help for the company's that I work with. One of my main props that I work on is props for the star wars community. I was part of the team that  put together the storm trooper costume used in  Star Wars The Force Awakens.  

Costuming is where I get to wear the things i make or other costume makers make. the costumes in the field i work with is not the kind of costumes that you can go to a store and buy, it is a lot more screen accurate. it does cost a lot more to make but the quality will amaze someone. the costumes i where is the same if not better than the costumes you would see in a Hollywood movie.  I do alot of work with the 501st legion, (international fan-based organization dedicated to the construction and wearing of screen-accurate replicas of Imperial Stormtrooper armor, Sith Lords, Clone Troopers, bounty hunters, and other villains from the Star Wars universe.) 

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